Three words that couldn’t more aptly sum up the feature set of this software. I’ve owned it for a while now and despite new incarnations of OS X the developers continue to release updates for new platforms at no cost to old customers. If the incredible screen capture and share features weren’t a selling point then the focus on adding value to the customer should be. There is relatively little commercially supported software out there that comes close to the level value that Camtasia has bundled here.
I can screen capture my whole screen, a window (browser, word, powerpoint, etc…), or drag around on the screen to map out my own area. To export the movie I can set the quality and even generate a webpage that will enable visitors to view the video. There is even a web service they provide for sharing screen captures publicly.
The mac edition doesn’t do a great job of capturing an active window. In reality it captures the area the active window was in when the capture started recording. If you drag another window into that area it too gets nabbed by Camtasia, additionally, if you move that window anywhere else on the screen it will no longer be captured. Not a huge limitation and probably one imposed by Apple but frustrating nonetheless if you aren’t aware of it.
LaneC about Camtasia 2